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Monday, October 21, 2013

UPDATE: MORE THAN 55,000 COPIES NOW SOLD -- Your chance to get 9 KILLER THRILLERS for $.99 (and learn something in the process)

UPDATE 12-21-2013:

The promotion described below began on October 21. Since then we have sold over 55,000 copies of 9 KILLER THRILLERS, mostly on Amazon and Amazon UK.

The thriller bundle has been in the Amazon Kindle TOP 100 (presently at #55) for nearly a month as of this writing, and has been in the Amazon Kindle UK TOP 100 for 26 days (presently at #16) -- spending the last 16 days, until today, in the TOP 10!  

As a result of the fantastic response, instead of costing the authors money, we will each take home at least a couple thousand dollars from the effort. Of course, our hope is that readers will enjoy these bargain samples of our work and go on to buy our other books at full price. I'll give you another update in 2014 to let you know how that's going.

Thanks for checking in at Self-Publishing Central.


Hello and welcome to Self-Publishing Central, the blog with useful information and tips for authors who choose to self-publish.

Today's post is a promotional item. So if you're not interested in reading a promotion, feel free to skip it. On the other hand, this particular promo illustrates a marketing technique that has been gaining favor in the publishing community at large, and you may just learn a thing or two. 

I will report back here in a week or so with the results and detailed methodology concerning this promo, so perhaps we can all benefit from the experience.

In any case, thanks for stopping by at Self-Publishing Central, and here's wishing you the best in all your publishing endeavors!



9 Killer Thrillers

Ahh, 9 Killer Thrillers… Another book bundle… They’ve become increasingly popular of late and you’ll no doubt see more with time. So what makes this limited time bundle offer different from others? Of course, 9 full-length thriller novels from 9 acclaimed bestselling authors for .99 is one heck of a bargain, but what makes this particular bundle stand out?

Consider the following about the novels in this bundle:

•    Praise from the likes of Janet Evanovich, Stan Pottinger and Lisa Gardner;
•    Thousands of reviews and average ratings of 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 stars, even one at a whopping 4.7;
•    Hundreds of thousands of copies of these books already in distribution;
•    Bestseller rankings as high, or as low, as #1;
•    Sustained Top 100 author rankings;
•    Nine bestsellers from nine bestselling authors…

9 Killer Thrillers for only 99 cents, featuring…

Russell Blake – King of Swords
Michael Wallace – The Devil’s Deep
CJ Lyons – Snakeskin
MJ Rose – The Halo Effect
Melissa Foster – Traces of Kara
John L. Betcher – The 19th Element
Claude Bouchard – Vigilante
Luke Romyn – Corpus Christi
Nick Russell – Big Lake

I don't have the info on all these titles, but I do know many of the authors personally (well, virtually) and their books have all been very well received. For instance, several of these books have been named Amazon Kindle Top 100 books OVERALL and B&N Top 100 Nook Books OVERALL. That's some pretty lofty company, and for just under a buck, I don't see how you can go wrong.

You’ll never get a better deal…


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    Have a great day!

    Looking forward to more blog posts from your end.

